Editors' page

Some instructions for users who may edit pages. Want to be an editor too? Send me an e-mail at dykstraanne@gmail.com.


We link categories in the ‘Thematic Bibliography’ to category pages. There are no links to ‘Bibliography’ pages.


Thematic Bibliography

1. Establish one or more categories that are relevant to the literature that you like to add

2. Enter those categories alphabetically on the Thematic Bibliography page (if they’re not already there)

3. A blue category word links to a category page. To add new links and pages select a category word that has no link yet (in black) with your cursor or key board

4. Click on ‘link’

5. Choose ‘wiki page’ – new page and accept the page name and link text (no end periods allowed in a page name)

6. Click ok

7. Save

8. Now the word you just dealt with is a link, but it has a dotted red line. This means that the new page is yet to be created

9. Click on the new dotted link

10. Now you’ll see a page that says: ‘Create a new page’

11. Click ‘create new page’ (in blue)



Editing a category page

1. Go to a relevant page (e.g. Order of entries)

2. Enter bibliographic data

3. Save the page


[then go to the relevant ‘Bibliography’ page and enter the bibliographic data again]





Sometimes you just want to refer to a URL.


1. add, if they are not there yet, words that are relevant to the URL that you like to add

2. Enter those words alphabetically on the Thematic Bibliography page

3. create new pages (if necessary; see above))

4. go to the relevant page


5. Enter the name of the site that you want to refer to


6. Select it with your cursor or keyboard


7. Click on ‘link’


8 Choose ‘URL’


9. Enter URL


10 Click ok





Thematic entry words have the format heading 2


Items on the category pages have the format heading 3


Items on the bibliography pages have the format normal