See also: Corpus Lexicography
Abel, Andrea / Anstein, Stefanie (2008): Approaches to Computational Lexicography for German Varieties. In: Bernal, Elisenda / DeCesaris, Janet (Hrsgg.): Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress. Barcelona. 251-260.
Almind, Richard (2005): “Designing Internet Dictionaries”. In: Hermes 34: 37-54.
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Leroyer, Patrick (2011): "Change of Paradigm: From Linguistics to Information Science and from Dictionaries to Lexicographic Information Tools." In: P. A. Fuertes-Olivera/H. Bergenholtz (eds.): e-Lexicography. The Internet, Digital Initiatives and Lexicography. London/New York: Continuum: 121-140.
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Verlinde, Serge/Leroyer, Patrick/Binon, Jean (2010): "Search and You Will Find. From Stand-Alone Lexicographic Tools to User Driven Task and Problem-oriented Multifunctional Leximats". International Journal of Lexicography 23(1), 1-17.
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